Deputy Minister Madiro Fingered in Odzi Mine Wrangle

The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development which regulates and audits Mining Laws in Zimbabwe has the sole right of keeping everything under control and transparency to the excavators in the country. Any irregularities found within the framework will uncover the Office of the Provincial Directors of the Ministry of Mines who superintends over the whole Ministry's business. Small Scale miners consistently conflict around the country since all parties will have guarantee responsibility for the mine. Each party will clutch its licenses of a similar property. This is exclusively an error with respect to the Ministry. As of late a wild proprietorship fight emitted in Manicaland where two parties {PAARI Mining Syndicate (PMS) and Twin Castle Resources (TCR)} are battling for the control of the mining Claim in Odzi which falls under Mutare North Constituency. Each part is attempting to oust the other party with the TCR end up being menaces as they are said to be connected to the Mutare North Legislature Mr. Mike Madiro who is additionally the Zanu PF Provincial Chairman.

This publication followed all things intently and figured out how to converse with the two players however the representative didn't like to be referenced by names. The PMS delegate who is a worker of the organization guaranteed that the zone was fixed and their organization got 5 declarations/certificates to extract Gold from the claim. Their 'pegger' took coordinates and created a Map with every one of their Beacons plainly stamped. The worker further told this publication that the Director of PMS engaged the owner of the field and consented to an assent arrangement permitting PMS to do its mining exercises on his claim. He further stated that the PMS guarantee is encircled by other Gold Miners who are additionally mining on their claims.

At the point when we moved toward the TCR agent another story was described. The rep was saying they were the first to get testaments anyway they didn't begin mining. At the point when TCR saw that SMS was working, they also visited the territory and began to mine. That was the start of their debate. PMS Director Cllr Mawanga at that point moved toward the TCR and encouraged them to go to the Ministry for the confirmation cycle however they just vanished (this is as per an assertion recorded by Police who attempted to resolve this dispute). Inquired as to why at that point where they calm and permit PMS to work on their claim until they began to yield and reap. The TCR on that point told this distribution that they were dumbfounded and not mindful of the current exercises. The agent asserted that they were amazed to hear Gold was removed. He additionally said monetary imperatives constrained them not to begin mining. The rep told this publication that it was after one individual, connected to the Honorable MP, tipped them to get back to the claim and with his help, it would have been inescapable.

This publication at that point visited the Ministry of Mines and noticed a lot of inconsistencies. All the authorities were not quick to converse with this correspondent dreading the contribution of the Mutare North MP and his sprinter young men only named as Cde Mahachi. Notwithstanding, one official in the Ministry of Mines told this publication that TCR's claim doesn't encroach into the PMS zone. It was just government officials who have seized the process for their own benefits. The official told this publication that the TCR's Certificate is for Mining Copper and not Gold. Again from the Ministry's records, there was no Returns Proof which is an alternate situation with PMS who has every one of their profits from the day they began Mining.

This distribution got it on great power that it involved desire among others who felt undermined by the accomplishment of PMS. The Police Officers were undermined by TCR loyalists who attempted without progress to compel the persuasive eviction of PMS staff from the Premises. Every one of these antics should be tended to and put to an end by the Office of the Provincial Mines Director (PMD). They are the overseers, everything being equal, and their assertion is conclusive.

At the point when Political impact neglected to deliver results, TCR, through Chakanyuka Law Chambers, composed an intimidatory letter, on the 1st  of January 2021, to the Provincial Mines Director (PMD) requesting him to STOP PMS from further extricating Gold. However, the PMD reacted to their letter on the eleventh of January 2021. The PMD's letter wasn't routed to PMS however they were somewhat replicated. The letter was instructing parties to avail submissions to his office within seven working days. As per PMS, they didn't react to it since they were not drawn or addressed by the PMD. The letter which was duplicated to them was a response to Chakanyuka Lawyers. So they contended the PMD should advise them through independent composing illuminating what they should do. Likewise, the TCR never reacted but were further compromising the PMD with Lawsuits and they even took steps to draw in ZAAC, SACU, PACU, and the office of the President and Cabinet to settle this matter.

Feeling the heat, the PMD served PMS with the Notice of Suspension of Operations on the 27th of January 2021. This didn't go down well with PMS and they moved toward their legal counselors who recorded an Agent Chamber Application with the High Court of Zimbabwe to drop the suspension. The matter is still to contend. However, on the first of February 2021, the PMD composed a letter to the two parties to welcome them to the Ground Visit. Some portion of the letter peruses, “In line with the dispute resolution procedures and Mines and Minerals Act (Chapter: 21:05) you are being notified that there will be a Ground Verification Survey on the 3rd of February 2021”.

At the point when the two parties got their invitation, it is said TCR with their counterfeit Lawyer Mr. Maunga (who neglected to deliver a legitimate Practicing License) visited the claim in the company of hooligans who persuasively attempted to acquire passage into the claim. It was said they asserted that the Honorable MP Madiro encouraged them to proceed to pick coordinates and mark their beacons. This publication got it on good authority that the TCR team faced heavy resistance and they managed to temper with one beacon.

The TCR's rep likewise told this publication that their Hectarage covers three claims including the entire PMS mining region. On asking them for what good reason at that point are they hauling just PMS and leaving the other two Miners securely mining; they reacted that it was the order from the top that the PMS should be obliterated. This publication additionally checked with the Ministry's records and saw that there were great deals of imaginary reports from TCR.

On the day of Verification, both parties were present and the information that we gathered was that TCR was left with an egg on their face as they fail to point to a single beacon. Their coordinates were said not to be linking. It was a circus. The Ministry’s officials were said to have received a shock of their life when reality comes against them.

After following this one would actually ask if it’s true that the TCR owns all the area mined by PMS and other two Mines nearby, why it that those miners were not also invited to the verification process. IF the TCR owns the claim where is the original owner of the field standing? If the TCR owns the claim why were they failing to do it right first- they didn’t produce returns and their coordinates were not matching those of the claim. All this exposes the office of the PMD. Someone is sleeping on duty. This era we are in does not require political influence but hardworking. It is well known who is behind this and the stakeholders are waiting for Ministry’s final word.




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